

关键词: 全国招教

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1. Warming up and Lead in

Hello, boys and girls. Class begins.

How is your ___________ 或者

Q1: Do you _______?

Q2: Wher/what/when _______?


2. Presentation

T: At the beginning of our class, I’ll show you a picture(视频,简笔画等直观手段均可).Look at PPT, what is this? Can you speak it in English?

S: ______________

T: It does not matter, this is ______ read after me together, _______、________、_______. ___________(自然引出对话中重点句型,如Do you want to visit...)

S: ______________

T: Okay, so you can say _________ (Write the sentence structures on the blackboard)

T: All of you did good job. Now let us play a guessing game. Please listen carefully. It’s _______. It has ________. What is it?

S: _____________________

T: Wonderful, you are so clever. It is ________. This line please read it one by one. I love your pronunciation. ____________ (用目标语言问Point to the sentence structure on the Blackboard,如Do you want to visit...?).

S:______________(用目标语言回答,这个时候基本已经能作答。如,Yes, I do. No, I don’t)

呈现单词最好用不同的方式,如第一个单词用图片,第二个单词可用猜谜,第三个单词用简笔画等。根据单词的特点以及自身擅长选择合适的呈现方式。在领读的过程中要注意读的多样性与趣味性,尤其是小学。最常用的三种读法包括全体读、小组读和个人读。小组可以是group 1、group 2,也可以是boys、girls;个人读可以是找一排然后一个个读,正如例子中所呈现的,也可以直接找一位同学读,个人读的过程中可以给自己加戏,给某位同学进行纠音,增加课堂的层次性。值得注意的是,小学的单词教学过程中,建议使用自然拼读法。T: So how about ______ and ______. (材料中的人物)Do they _______? Let’s listen to a dialogue. While listening, please pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Now, get ready. After listening, I will invite some of you to answer questions. So please listen carefully. (切入到对话)

T: (After listening) Okay, the first question: ___________

Ss: ______________

T: Exactly. You all did a very good job. So _____________ (Q2)

Ss: _________________

T: Yes, good. I am proud of all of you.

Now another question: ______________

Ss: _____________(问题多少根据对话来定,通过问问题梳理对话内容,并突出目标语言点)

T: Almost. Pay attention to the word “peace”. It pronounces _______. Listen and repeat after me. ______, ______, ______. Okay. Good. _________________ (用词语造个句子,也可以请学生起来造句). (Show on PPT)

T: Can you spell the word “______”?

Ss: _______

T: Can you read the sentences with the word ______ and ______?

Ss: ________

T: Wonderful.

3. Practice

(1) Listen and imitate.

T: Now, boys and girls. Let’s listen to the dialogue once again and try to imitate.

Okay, who what to do the imitation. One is ______ and the other is ______. Okay, you two. Let’s welcome.

T: Well done. But pay attention to the word “______”.(设想学生可能会遇到的问题,可以是发音也可以是语法)

(2)Ask and Answer

T: Now, boys and girls. There are so many pictures. I will give some to each of you. I need you to work in pair and ask you partner by using the sentence patterns “_______”. (Walking around the students to give suggestions)


如: (1)The teacher leads student to make dialogues with the newly learned phrases and sentences with some pictures in pairs, and invites some pairs to show their performance.

(2)Train game——The teacher divides student into groups and practice the sentences, and see which group can finish it fastest.

4. Production

Role play/make survey

T: Now, suppose you are _______. You need to ________. Before you do the role play/survey, I will show you some useful expressions for _______. You can prepare for 5 minutes, and then I will invite some students to play before the class. Come on, Boys and girls. Let’s start.

T: Now Time is up. (Creating the scene by PPT). Now here is _______(交际场景). Who want to be today’s _______. Very good. You put up your hands. Please come to the front. Big applause for them. Let’s be quiet and watch. After the performance, I will ask some students to give comments.

T: Amazing. You are all good actors/interviewer. Thank you for your performance. Please go back. Now, who want to make some comments? Okay, you please.

S1: _____________


5. Summary

T: Time flies, we have come to the end of our class. Who can sum up/ summarize what have we learned today/form this class/ lesson?

Ss: ______

T: Great. You could search for more information about _________. I hope you can ______ in your daily life.

6. Homework

At last/ before the class is over,

Look at the PPT/ I will give you a present/

It’s your homework.

After the class, you are expected to ______.


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